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Age of Empires III Hints & Cheats

Age of Empires III (AoE III) adalah sebuah permainan real-time strategy yang dikembangkan oleh Ensemble Studios-nya Microsoft Corporation dan dipublikasikan oleh Microsoft Game Studios. Versi PC-nya dirilis pada 18 Oktober 2005 di Amerika Utara dan 4 November 2005 di [Eropa]], sementara versi Mac-nya dirilis pada 21 November 2006 di Amerika Utara dan 29 September 2006 di Eropa. Permainan ini adalah permainan ketiga dari dari seri Age of Empires dan sequel dari Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. Permainan ini menggambarkan Kolonisasi Bangsa Eropa terhadap Benua Amerika, kira-kira antara 1492 dan 1850 Masehi (diperluas di Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs ke 1876). Secara utama, ada 8 peradaban Eropa yang bisa dimainkan di permainan.

Age of Empires III, sebenarnya sebuah game yang memang sudah agak lama. Tapi seperti game-game lainnya, game Age of Empires III masih dimainkan oleh para maniak game, mungkin terutama bagi yang baru belajar/mengenal PC.

Dalam beberapa misi, ada kalanya kita kesulitan dalam membangun kekutan dan melakukan serangan ke pihak musuh. Dan untuk menghindari kejunuhan, sengaja diterapkan cheats dalam game Age of Empires III. Bagi Sobat yang ingin mencoba cheats / kode curang Age of Empires III, berikut daftarnya...

Untuk mengaktifkan cheat, tekan tombol ENTER kemudian masukkan kode berikut :

Hasil CheatKode Cheat
menghilangkan kabut pada peta (kabut perang masih ada)X marks the spot
Menambah 10,000 foodMedium Rare Please
Menambah 10,000 coinGive me liberty or give me coin
Menambah 10,000 XPNova & Orion
Menggemukkan semua binatang di petaA recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese
Aktifkan 100x kecepatan membangunSpeed always wins
Muncul suara berbeda2 ketika membunuh infantriSooo Good
Memunculkan Mediocre Bombard di kotaYa gotta make do with what ya got
Menambah 10,000 wood<censored>
Menang di singleplayerthis is too hard
memunculkan truk monstertuck tuck tuck
Menghancurkan semua perahu musuh di petaShiver me Timpers!
George CrushingtonWhere's that axe?

Semoga Bermanfaat...

Age of Empires III Secrets

  1. Unlimited Resources

    Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder. Note: You may first need to uncheck the "Read Only" attribute of that file's properties in Windows Explorer. Search for the text "CrateOf". You will find CrateofFood, CrateofCoin, CrateofWood, CrateofFoodLarge, CrafteofCoinLarge, and CrateofWoodLarge. For all these entries, find the tag "InitialResourceCount" and change the count to whatever desired. For example, the normal crates each have "100.000" of the resources. You can change the "100" to "99999.000", etc.
  2. Easy Leveling in Single Player

    Open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file in the My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame (dont forget to make a back up first) folder, search for <level>.
    You will see something like this <level>xx</level>, put in 99 for the xx, save the file, go into the game and play a skirmish. Now you are level 99 !
  3. Unlimited Unlock Points in Single player

    Open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file located in \My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame (dont forget to make a backup of this file) find this line <skillpoints>.
    The line should look like this <skillpoints>xx</skillpoints>, where x is the number of skillpoints you currently have. Change the xx to a high number such as 999, save the file and start Age of Empires 3. Go into a skirmish game, go to manage your city and you will now have 999 unlock points to unlock various things for your city.
  4. Access Hidden Units in Editor

    There are several secret units that don't, at the moment of this writing, have a code to access them during games. Despite this, they can still be accessed in the editor through a simple process. First, place a unit on the map, then select the "Replace Unit" command under "Objects." In the drop down menu, select Fluffy, Flying Purple Tapir, Learicorn, George Crushington, Lazerbear, or Monster Truck A and then click replace unit.